Yeah, the cost of listing any auction now is up to $.35 so there is a somewhat substantial cost to getting your feedback up to 100 or better. Would you pay $35 just to have a feedback of 100+? Maybe some scammers would. If they thought they could turn around and scam someone for $1000.
I have found that Ebay puts on a good show of protecting people from scams, but really doesn't give a damn about scams as long as they are making money. If some scammer wants to list 1000 auctions for 1 penny a peice and pay Ebay $350 for doing so, they aren't going to do anything about it. Similarly, they have policies stating that they will back you up if you get scammed, but they don't really work. As someone who has been the victim of shady deals on two occassions, Ebay puts up more paperwork and roadblocks in your way than it is worth to recover your lost money.
You do not really understand something unless you can explain it to your grandmother.
- Albert Einstein