First Love's Monster
Where dost though come from?
As if from a dream slumbered
I lie'st here in thy arms
But oh for not
Your sweet, dampened lips
Meet with mine
To stir the fiery vapors that build my heart
But thy tongue is venomous
Filled with the lies that bring false hope
And with false hope, the deadly mind I fear!
For thy words are tainted with the smell my friend!
He, who I hath called friend,
Be that of mine own enemies!
Nay, not my enemy
For my enemies I respect for they stab'th
At my chest in the day.
But you!.. for my heart whilst I lie in hope!
Oh why have you come to me, sent me
Where the path of mine own wolves wait
Of demons that slither in my brain
Have changed me back to the monster I fear
The monster that tells me curse'd pleasures of power.
Oh I hate ... I love... I hate you...
For you cast me as anything without heart
Cast me like I was not there with you.
What did I do to deserve you?
...And you speak carefully as a tear wells in your eye
"You are too good for me. Why would you waste your passion on someone like me?"
"Waste..." And I remember it all as you forget. I watch you react to
my hollowness, and you still have that tear.