Originally Posted by alansmithee
How is it an excellent way of proving anything? It's both unscientific and illogical.
You say this, and your next sentence is your opinion of what homosexuality is, with NO evidence to back it up, NO scientific data in your corner and absolutely NO basis in logic.
I liken homosexuality to fetishism. It's something that is learned, but can be very hard to break. And I seriously doubt anyone thinks that being turned on by leather is inborn and not learned.
Least of all the ones who are turned on by leather. I have yet to speak to someone who's turned on by leather or any other fetish who said "Yeah, I have no choice, I was born this way, I came out of the womb needing leather in my sex life."
On the other hand, I also have yet to speak to a homosexual who has said "I'm gay because I decided one day it would be really neat."
And as long as it's controlled and doesn't adversly affect your life, there should be no reason to break it.
You're just full of winners today aren't you. You seem to have a burning need to press your morality on everyone else. What the hell do you care if the leather is "controlled?" How do you control leather anyway? By the same token, who the hell are you to say that homosexuals should change, even assuming they could? Even if it IS their choice, what business is it of yours? Have you forgotten that this country is supposed to be about freedom of choice? Or do you interpret that concept as "freedom of choice as long as I like all your choices."
Again, what many people fail to understand is that the burden of proof isn't on showing how sexual orientation is NOT biological, but the opposite.
Wrong again. That's where YOU would like the burden of proof to lie. But the homosexuals aren't running around trying to convert the heterosexuals. It's the ignorant heterosexual bigots who are busy trying to convert the homosexuals. That places the burden on the bigots to prove that 1) homosexuality is a choice, 2) it's a bad choice and 3) it's a choice that homosexuals should not be allowed to make.
I have repeatedly asked for concrete evidence that it is, and have yet to see any.
And I have yet to see you offer any evidence, other than "gee I think it should be this way, and therefore it is," that homosexuality is a choice.
If you want evidence, look at all the gay animals running around. They've found chimps, orangutans, even penguins, who have homosexual partnerships. Hell San Fran's Central Park Zoo is having a hell of a time right now because all their male penguins are gay, and won't mate with the females, which means the zoo's penguin population is not self sustaining.
But really, you shouldn't need evidence. Even if it is their choice, it has no effect on your life. They aren't going to turn you gay. They aren't going to take over the world. They aren't going to rape your children. They aren't going to harm you in any way, yet you still persist on persecuting them.
The argument that homosexuality is a conscious choice is asinine. In the first place, there's no evidence that there is. In the second place, there are plenty of homosexuals who say "that's just the way I am, I didn't choose to be gay." Are you calling all homosexuals liars?
Thirdly, it would be a pretty stupid choice wouldn't it? Why would someone make the conscious choice to be ostracized, persecuted, and harassed by people like you, who can't tolerate anyone that's too different from themselves? Sure, maybe there would be a few nuts out there that would, but why would so many of them make the choice? It simply doesn't make sense.
This is the kind of ignorance that prevents our society from growing.