Plenty of times. God's female persona in the Bible is referred to as Wisdom (or Sophia) IIRC. Aside for that, the majority of Christian churches acknowledge that God has no gender. The Catholic Church, for example, uses the pronoun he only in recognition of the tradition behind it, but asserts that God is not a he or she. Most Christian churches agree (although, I admit, sheer number is not proof of anything).
To answer a slightly different, but, I think, related question as to what I think God is like....I think it is terribly delusory to assert that something as basic and simple as text can even begin to fully embody the essence of the Ultimate Reality, or God - that which is beyond all that is tangible, including words.
Originally Posted by kiaora
I'm not trying to pick on your views i'm just interested to know why people don't take the bible literally because i only recently found out that some people don't and that some people believe in both the Bible and evolution.
Not trying to pick on
you, but if you only recently discovered this, it seems to me you may not be in a position (not to say that I am) to be making judgments regarding various religious beliefs.