thanks for the clarifications. first, I'm going to return to the notion that I don't think you don't beat addictions. I think it's a lot easier to fall back when you get cocky about having it beat. Second, I'm going to suggest you take some stock in yourself and eliminate the terminology like "that fit my pitiful criteria" and so forth. Your limits are what they are, accept them and move on to techniques to expand them. Such as...i would have to ask if you feel that, depsite your winter job, you have been under-employed? not that $$$ is everything, but you mention $$$ problems. I've found that getting my $$$ straight helps a lot of stress-related issues go away as it enables you to do shit and save for future, etc. aside from that, do what you like to do - ie. exercise if you can, play music if you've got the instrument, etc.
best of luck.
You don't love me, you just love my piggy style