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Old 03-16-2005, 09:04 AM   #89 (permalink)
KMA-628 off his were warned.
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Location: The Wild Wild West
Originally Posted by Manx
Perfection in compromise on TFP:

You: I think we need a flat tax system.
Me: Not even close. The rich require higher taxes to help alleviate the negative effects of class division.
You: But the rich are paying far more than their share in taxes.
Me: OK, I'll agree to a flat tax. I know it's wrong, but we need to compromise.
You: Really? Cool.
Me: ...
You: Now what?

Compromise in an environment of discussion leads to silence.
Me: I think we need a flat tax system.
You: Not even close. The rich require higher taxes to help alleviate the negative effects of class division.
Me: But the rich are paying far more than their share in taxes.
You: [insert your comment here]
Me: What if the tax level of the flat tax is consistent with the current tax rates the "rich" pay?
You: No, I want them to pay more than they are.
Me: How much more? To pay for what?

I don't know how you would respond to those questions, so I am not goint to suppose anything.

My point being that any restrictions placed on a discussion are placed there by you.

As you can see, in this case, you might possibly be able to get some of what you want in a flat tax system.

For example (and this is just an example, I don't want to use this thread to debate a flat tax):

Let's say, the flat tax is progressive (which is entirely possible--just because the word "flat" is in there doesn't mean it is a proportional or regressive system).

Let's say the "rich" pay the same amount they are paying now. You could at least be happy with the fact they don't pay less in taxes.

Let's say, as is the case in many countries that instituted a flat tax, government revenue goes up and some of that extra money is earmarked to fund a few social programs that you really believe in. As revenues go up, the "flat tax" goes down (which is something I want). We could negotiate that it doesn't go down as much as I want to help fund some of your programs. You get extra money. The rich still pay a buttload in taxes. I get a flat tax. And, hopefully, the flat tax begins to go down (What I want).

So, in this case, we both give a little and we both get a little. And, rather than remain stagnant, we have moved forward.

I don't know, I look at it this way. You get from the discussion what you give to the discussion. If the only thing you bring to the table is hardline stances that aren't negotiable, that is what you are going to get in return.

Personally, I would rather get some of what I want than none of what I want. The only question for me is what am I willing to concede in order to get some of what I want.

I have no problem whatsoever with conceding.....I do it everyday......I'm married.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.

Last edited by KMA-628; 03-16-2005 at 09:07 AM..
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