As I said I never watched Survivor but that Rob dude impressed me with that little ploy. He manipulated the others like a bunch of puppets. Every guy on there that didn't finish should be ashamed of themselves. That little skinny girl at the end put that 4 lbs of meat away like it was nothing,and then that little skinny prick even though he was drama queening did the same. There was no reason the other groups of people couldn't have gotten that food down.
I hate though that Utena and his wife got lost from the detour to the pit stop. When I saw what the detour was I was POSITIVE they would come in first because he's a big guy,and there was food involved. After seeing that I really hate again that the biggin's from the first show got eliminated. I would have died laugh at them possibly getting there last one of them wolfing down that barbcoa and jetting out to first 2 hours ahead of everybody else while everybody else was bitching about it being too much to eat.