I was bored and this is what I came up with (MS Paint)
I decidecd to start fooling aroudn wtih MS Paint and see what sort of cool designs I could make. I came up with something that looks pretty cool, so I decided to share it with you all.
I started out with a 512x512 image, divided it into an 8x8 grid, and created the pattern in teh first attached picture. With several manipulations, reductions, and multiplications, it started to become a self-similar pattern, commonly known as a fractal. A slip of my finger revealed that this would make a cool tapestry design, so I went with it. In the second pic, you can see, with an unfortunate loss of resolution, that this is a tapestry built from the manipulation of hundreds of transparent copies of the first tileset.
The third image is a somewhat imperfect continuation of the tapestry into another layer of replicaiton. I included it just because I can.