Thread: Homeschooling
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Old 03-15-2005, 08:25 PM   #32 (permalink)
Location: Shalimar, FL
Originally Posted by EULA
The parents should be involved in order to trick the student into believing that what they do at school is valuable.

Life is educational enough without book work or less formal activities that are coerced. For that matter, when does a kid have time to be alone and find out who they are?
Notice I never said it had to be school work... theres lots of things to do without feeling like youre in school. A walk outside where you discuss events, identify plants, talk about animals, cooking together, arts and crafts, music and singing, and all kinds of extracirricular activities. Nobody said you have to open books to learn about these things. Learning is an ongoing experience and not everything can come from a book.. but if you dont participate in your childs life and teach them do you really trust those that are willing to teach them?

And what do you mean to trick them? If you have to trick your child into beleving something is valuable then something is wrong, and as a parent it is up to you to fix it.
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