right, matthew. A gay man or woman is solely defined by his or her sexuality. Every aspect of their lives is what? Tainted?
Gay scout leaders never wanted to discuss sexuality, homosexuality, or heterosexuality in the boy scouts any more than straight ones did. They just were gay. Believe it or not, gay people aren't like Big Gay Al. I bet you know or at least met a bunch of people that you had NO idea were gay. The reason one's sexuality is at issue here is because the BSA makes it one, NOT because the prospective gay scout members did. In fact, most of these cases had to do with scout masters who did a great job for years before others even found out that they were gay, and who were then summarily dismissed. I don't know why you seem to think that gay scout masters spend all their time with the little scouts telling them about what it is like banging guys.
The Scouts are discriminatory, which is why the ACLU and the courts have held that they cannot use public space like schools as meeting places.
Oh, and I know many straight people who are very prominent in GLBT groups or were in high school.
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