Getting Around a Bandwidth Cap
Hey, I hope this question hasn't been asked before
I got capped by my school for downloading something like 10 gigs over 2 months (shitty, I know) and so they've restricted me to 56k speeds.
I've found that Ourtunes (music sharing prog) are not affected by this cap, presumably b/c I can only download from people on the same network as I. I've tried finding what port that program uses, but no dice.
I've found that they aren't limiting based on hardware recognition, but rather through the wall port, so that if i connect my pc to another port, it works at normal speeds.
Also, I use Firefox, and I notice that sometimes when I'm surfing momentarily it says I'm downloading at higher than I should be able to, at 9kbps for example but this only lasts for a second.
Finally, the one thing that gives me hope is this. When I first downloaded LimeWire (after the cap was instituted) I was downloading files at normal speed, the next day, it was back to the snail pace.
Sorry that this is all a little disjointed, but just trying to throw as many tidbits as I can.
Any Suggestions?
Any possibility that I can get out of this non-broadband hell-hole I've found myself in?
The only thought I've considered, but wouldn't know where to begin involves proxies, just throwin that out there
Last edited by inkriminator; 03-15-2005 at 08:08 PM..
Reason: Throwin Ideas Out