Originally Posted by BigBen931
... Oh, and Canadians make love with our socks on. It helps keep our feet warm. Noone likes cold feet touching them, and it is a real turn-off. Therefore, we wear socks in bed, and don't take them off during the festivities.
The first time for me I got everything but my socks off before my seductress hauled me into the bed. When all was said and done I had to bit my tongue, because I almost said "Well, apparently that didn't seem to knock my socks off." That would have been very very stupid no matter how funny I thought it was.
I did customer service for a large American wireless provider as a second job for a little while, and different times I was asked if I was Canadian because of my accent. "Ah cood tail bah the way yew sayd abaht". Really, what a surprise.