I don't agree with the ACLU in this, but I kinda support them in this just beacause a gay scoutmaster is only going to take advantage of the little boys if he is a pedafile. So, the boyscouts should not hire pedafile scoutleaders. The gay thing shouldn't be an issue. As far as the pledge, are the kids being forced to say the pledge? If thay are being forced, then it's wrong and pretty ironic. If they aren't being forced, then it wouldn't matter either way.
The problem? The boyscouts is an excelent place to teach young men about responsibility, comrodary, honor, and loyalty; all things vital to America. The serveice they provide is invaluable. All the ACLU did here was threaten to bankrupt the BSA, instead of trying to constructively remedy the situation. Suddenly they go from freedom fighters to bullys. They didn't protect anyones civili liberties in this, all they did was put those boys back into unstimulating environments.