When you say Desktop replacement, are you looking for something powerful, or portable?
I ask because I have an ECS laptop, except that it should more properly be called portable desktop replacement. It's a laptop computer, but it has no battery. And it is amazing. Everywhere I go there is a power outlet, so why bother with the battery?
Pros: Lighter due to no battery, desktop CPU and RAM (since there is no power limitation it doesn't need to use power-saving components), and lots of fans, again because power isn't a problem. And because of the desktop components and the lack of a battery, it is cheaper than the batter-powered versions. It also comes with AMD processors I believe. And if you prefer you can get a battery for the unit.
I've had 2 of these laptops and I regularly use them like desktops - on for weeks at a time, lots of peripherals plugged in, and no problems.
Check them out:
They call them i-buddies or desknotes - cheezy I know