I think for one to say there is no compromise and that their beliefs are THE only way.... is as small minded and damaging as they claim the other side's ideas to be.
If neither side compromises than one or both have to play to win it all. And we have seen who has won it all..... which I am not happy over but the Dems polarizations cost them far more than helping them.
If you play to win.... you cannot truly be worried about the true health and wealth of our nation. You have in fact lost sight of what will truly help and care only about your agenda.
Abortion: compromise==== allow the states the right to vote, IT is not and should never be a federal case because some states are religious (UTAH) and should have the right to decide how they want to handle the issue. I am sure there are states that would keep abortion legal. IT IS NOT A FEDERAL ISSUE.
Welfare: compromise==== simple if you clean up social programs you must clean up corporate and give workers back rights to form unions and have benefits and decent wages.
Taxes: compromise: find a tax system that is fair, raise tariffs and promote factories to come home and hire people thereby in and of itself raising the tax base. To say factory work is dying is an excuse to keep sending jobs overseas while our workers are stuck in temp jobs, Wal*Marts and McDonald's.
Social Security: compromise==== allow the worker several different plans to pay into and secure their money. I posted an idea a while back that I think could work if people with far more expertise on the subject tweeked out the problems I am too unaware of because I am not an expert in the subject.
Some may say Country states are dead or dying and blah blah blah... it's bullshit. When the USSR broke up countries fought and still fight to be independant. A country is far more than where you live it is your heritage, it is you culture.
For too long we have had people within our own country try to destroy what we have here (i.e. political correctness and all the hyphenated - Americanisms.) We need to be proud of what our country has achieved in her 200+ years and the beauty of the freedom, land and oppurtunities. Granted the oppurtunities are dwindling but not because of government per se, but because of the polarizations and the hatreds the 2 political sides have for each other.
So stop the fucking bickering, look deep within and ask youself what is best for the country and the future for my children and their children and find common ground to work on.
Otherwise, we WILL just be numbers, our freedoms will truly disappear and we will be waste land because people wanted things their way and wouldn't bend.
I just love people who use the excuse "I use/do this because I LOVE the feeling/joy/happiness it brings me" and expect you to be ok with that as you watch them destroy their life blindly following. My response is, "I like to put forks in an eletrical socket, just LOVE that feeling, can't ever get enough of it, so will you let me put this copper fork in that electric socket?"