Originally Posted by sob
My religious beliefs are irrelevant here.
Would you pledge your alleigence to a counrty "under Shiva"? or maybe a country "under Ra, the sun god"? Religion is rarely irrelevant in cases where is is mentioned. It is the right of every American to worship as he or she believes, which includes not pledging alleigence to a country "under God". It's a valid argument.
Originally Posted by sob
However, I believe that it is you and your brother who would poison America from within, with your "Anna Nicole Smith" philosophy of letting others do the heavy lifting, while you sit back and moan.
Heh. So how many years have you defended freedom? And even if you were in the military, whaty did you actually personally acomplish for freedom and democracy? I have two uncles, two grandfathers and generations of men in my family that served America in the military. I've written 3 articles that have appeard in national military publications. Don't assume that the only thing I do all day is complain on a message board.
Originally Posted by sob
I live in an area in which it's common to interact with WWII veterans. I saw one today--He got shot down, someone shot his heel off, and then marched him to a prison camp. He was liberated from Moosburg when Patton drove a tank through its gates.
What does that have to do with anything? My grandfather was shot a total of 11 times in 3 wars. He openly disagreed with Desert Storm before he died. Was he an "anna nicole smith"-american, too?
Originally Posted by sob
However, you and your little brother don't agree with the thought of recognizing his sacrifice. I find that disgusting.
Instead of blindly following those who would twist and use the sacrafice of that man to selfish ends, I choose to fight and be ever vigilent in the fight to keep America a free and liberated country. Instead of saying, "I agree with everything this administration does because they were elected, and therefore they are always right," I say "What they are doing right now is undermining the rights and freedoms that made America uniqe in it's conception, and has inspired many other countries to adopt freedom and rule of the common man as being the best form of government." Drones folow orders blindly without thought. Patriots pretect their countries from all threats, both foreign and domestic.
Originally Posted by sob
Sounds like he's well-qualified to spend the next thirty or forty years there.
I hate to dissapoint, but he is on track to be valedictorian of his magnet highschool. He has gone to the state competition in the schience olympiad (just like his big brother once did), and the reason he's taking a job at subway is to pay for a summer trip to Korea to visit the roots of his tae kwando school. He, so far, is a success in life by every measure I can think of.
Your assumption of his being ungrateful is childish and narrow to say the least. I suggest that you rethink your position on what is "disgusting" or not, but I understand why you don't. I wouldn't want to consider the fact that when I turn my magnifying glass on myslef, I might find some serious errors in judgment either.