i'm in a similar situation....and all I can say for the female side...is to not worry so much about it, or feel like a let down. You're just adding more pressure on yourself and compounding the issue. I def. agree in trying a different form of BC.....or get your hormone levels checked by a doc (simple blodd test). For the guy, you know she feels abd about this, so try not to complain so much in her plain view. You gotta work with her on this. Vagina's are meant to stretch, so lots and lots of foreplay to get her vag ready, and maybe cause a little less pain. BOTH of you should maybe get more physical activity - male, to relieve some of the sexual pressure, and to use as an alternative autput to wacking it 3 times a day.....female - to relieve some stress, and get your blood pumping. Proper diet and excercise go miles in terms of getting rid of stress and making you fell better about yourself. One of the best ways to combat depression........