Originally Posted by inhalo
14th Question.
What do you think the weirdest/funniest things Canadians do are?
I would have to say the whole Polar Bear initiation right-of-passage thing...
We carve out a hole in the ice in a body of water and then jump in, usually naked. It is weird because the sensation is of being LIT ON FIRE, not dunked in ice water. Why do we think that it is patriotic to do that?
Also, it is weird to see Canadians upset over anything. It happens on occasion, but the reality is that we are not inclined to "lose it" over something. When I see someone "lose it" I am so shocked that I feel weird.
Oh, and Canadians make love with our socks on. It helps keep our feet warm. Noone likes cold feet touching them, and it is a real turn-off. Therefore, we wear socks in bed, and don't take them off during the festivities.