Raptor = a leopard gecko. novelty because she was like an inch and a half when i bought her and i thought... raptor is the ultimate predator.... so i named her that.
Lilly = a black collared lizard i named her Lilly because I saw a water dish in a Chinese water dragon bowl and in my mind's eye i saw a pretty lilly pad floating...
Mr. Gimp

= black collared male. his real name is Clayton, i adopted him a bout twwo or three months ago. he is kind of not great off health wise. matter of fact, atm, i'm having to nurse him back to health.... he got
sick, almost died.. went blind... but i couldn't put him to sleep... now he is fighting to get healthy again.... so Mr Gimp fits
i have a huge ass dog named jeb cuz his name was jeb when i adopted him.
i have a moma cat named Fred who we found wild living in a shack. in a course of three or so weeks we tamed her a bit and she moved in with us. we thought she was a he and named it Fred heh
Simba (dumb name...) is one of fred's daughters.
i had a parrot named buddy... fish named after demon princes heheh.. oscars... beelzebub, apolyon, so forth.
animals are my life.