Do yourself a favor and walk away with dignity and self respect. Hun, you are on a fast track to nowhere with this one.
Ask yourself some REAL questions...
Is this the kind of relationship you want for a life partner?
Is this the kind of woman you want to have mother your children? Would you want your own flesh and blood to have to deal with the feelings of abandonment as she has exhibited with her son and with you?
Sit down and be honest with yourself. Look at the whole picture. Think with your logical mind not your emotional mind.
Once the milk has gone sour, it remains sour. It doesn't matter how many times you put it back in the fridge in hopes that it will change and become pure again, every time you pull it out you will find it is still sour.
In spite of how you are feeling right now, I think you know deep down what isn't working. Denial isn't going to help that appetite return and it isn't going to make things all better. For your emotional and physical health, let go and begin the healing process.
Oh, and by the way, No, this is not normal!
And if you ever wanna talk, you can PM me.