When I was twelve, my best friend and I would talk about underwear all the time. We thought it was the coolest thing to have the prettiest pantsu we could find. Every day we'd show eachother the tops of our undies, and compare notes.
It was just for fun. No boys, no sex (though we were interested in this, but more as a theoretical than anything,) no flaunting our bums. We just thought it was a cool secret to have pretty panties.
At the time, we didn't want thongs. I don't know if we were even aware of thongs then. But if thongs were cool, then we would have wanted them, solely for personal satisfaction.
My parents and I have always had an excellent communication level. They talked to me about sex and dating early on, and told me I could always go to them if I needed to talk or if I was thinking of doing anything I wasn't sure of. Mum and I would go shopping and she'd help find some rainbow undies or something like that, because she knew that my appreciation for "sexy" underwear wasn't a desire to fuck. We weren't best friends though. If I misbehaved I was grounded, and there was a definite level of respect that's still in tact.
What we must consider is that at the age of twelve girls are hormonal like crazy. We get boobs, begin to bleed from very private places, and start noticing what the older girls are wearing. It just so happens that the older girls are wearing thong pantsu.
As long as you talk to your daughters about sex, then buying thongs shouldn't be a terrible thing. Not talking about IT is a big reason for the excitement of IT when you're younger. If you [parents] break the taboo, the thong just becomes a pretty piece of fabric.
Trust your daughters until they give you reason not to. They'll appreciate it.