If you ask anyone who has recently come to America from Iran you will learn a lot.
Right now there are two classes, not racial/economic/etc, but age. Because of the Iran/Iraq war, there is effectively no middle aged people in Iran, huge percentage of that era died in the 10 year long war. So you have the old, and the young. The old are of the Mulah era, VERY anti-west, and VERY fundamental. The young grew up during a time when the Mulahs were weak (post-I/I war), and are used to more freedom than their fathers. They are, the majority at least, are very pro-west and moderate.
This is why I fear invading Iran... our biggest asset is time. The fundamentalists will die in the next 5 years due to poor medical practices. All we have to do is wait for them to die, and slowly reopen trade.