"Sexual screw-up" is awfully harsh for something that is, if not common, not completely uncommon. Sure, in general, sex is a huge thing for most people. You're obviously not like most people (something we appreciate), but there're plenty of people out there for whom sex is just not all that huge a deal.
nwlinkvxd, while sex is, and will remain (I'm sure), a huge deal to you... And keeping in mind that all I really have to go off of is this thread, it doesn't seem really fair to go about it like this. You can see the effect it's having on la petite moi, is that something that's really worth having sex so much? Having a huge sex drive myself, I understand the seeming "need" to have sex at every turn, but it seems a helluva lot harder on la petite than you.
I dunno... I don't want to lecture, and I can't really pretend to know how to "fix" the problem, but I hate to see obvious problems from both sides of the board, from those that I know to be good people...