Ok, just to clarify something, masturbation does not necessarily desensitize the penis to sexual stimulation. It may be that way for some people, but not everyone.
Ok, from your description of nwl..... I have a WHOLE lot in common with him. I happen to masturbate quite often(2-3 times a day if I can, sometimes more), I have a VERY active sex drive, and I have a SO that is not very interested in sex.
So let me just say this: "WANTING A LOT OF SEX IS NOT(always) AN INDICATION OF A LACK OF LOVE!" It does not mean that he just sees you as just a vagina.
I love my girlfriend more than anything else in the world, including my self, and as an extension of that, I want to express my love to her. This in my mind, is not limited to words and favors, but intimacy as well. It is possible this is the same with nwl... one of the reasons he wants sex so much is because he loves you, not because he sees you as a sex object.
If I recall correctly in some of your other posts you have mentioned that your on certain meds, if I'm wrong just ignore or correct this part. So, if I'm remembering this correctly, your on some meds that effect the sex drive. This could be one of the reasons your not very interested in sex, it's pretty much the same way for my girlfriend. And sometimes, although not all the time, when we try making love, it hurts for her, despite foreplay and plenty of lubrication. I believe this is connected to the whole med and sex drive thing. Sex is not just physical, it's also mental, and if your not mentally in the mood, it can cause your body to react negatively to what is normally positive stimulations. Such as causing you to be unconsciously tense and unable to relax when he enters, painfully stretching you.
Apathy: The best outlook this side of I don't give a damn.