What zen_tom said. I've had 5 computers running pretty continuously for at least 2 weeks doing numbers. And Zen, I had just thought about doing the smaller arrays. I tried doing a 2-dimensional array and quickly found out that I do not have that much memory.
And yeah, this is for the RSA thing. I honestly did not mean to mislead if anyone didn't know where this was coming from.
One potential problem I can see with trying to a joint venture on this would coordinating who is responsible for what range of numbers and so on. Different speed and different types of processors will of course run at different speeds. There is also a somewhat noticeable difference in the time to check the 90+ digit numbers (I cut the 193 in half and am focusing on the lower half, since there must be one factor at or below 97 digits) and the 11 and 12 digit numbers (starting from say 3). For the time being, I'll continue working on it solo I guess. It should be noted, however, that I was giving careful consideration to a donation of some of the money to TFP as I came across the Erathosthenes(sp?) Sieve method here. Now, due to the size of the numbers involved, I'm having to rethink the details of the method, but I think a thousand or two thousand dollars wouldn't be out of the question, and I imagine that would help a good deal with bandwidth/server costs.
Thanks again for the comments, Zen.