Originally Posted by NCB
That's great rhetoric for the 1960's Manx, but it's not relevant today. You're trying to compare apples to oranges. Marriage is between a man and a woman, any race. My point remains. Any homosexual man can marry a woman and any homosexual woman can marry a man. No one is stopping them. Heck, I know it's silly but a straight man can't marry another man either.
Any colored man can drink at a water fountain, just not a white's only water fountain...
If you can't see the similarities than it is obvious why you can't see the flaws in your argument. At one point, an argument very similar to yours was employed to "protect" marriage from a "redefinition" involving interracial marriage. Fortunately, the traditionalist argument was tossed aside, and as you may have noticed, society didn't crumble.
Marriage has no carved in stone definition. In fact, there are many churches who wholeheartedly support gay marriage. You may claim that it is not in a church's place to "redefine" marriage, but i imagine it would be difficult to do so with a straight face, seeing as how the idea of a traditional marriage has very strong roots in religion.