Originally Posted by mikec
similar to vinaur's solution, nav to the top level folder in a cmd prompt, and typs:
dir /s > c:\files.txt
the output will be c:\files.txt
not sure what all the other switches V is listing.....dir /s will give you everything.
The /b switch is to get rid of all the unnecessary info, such as date it was created and how many files it contains. It's called bare format.
The /ad switch is used to display only directories. You can display only hidden files (/ah), system files (/as), read-only, and so forth. The /a stands for attribute. The d stands for directory.
The /on is to order the directories by name.
The /s is to display the sub directories.
By doing dir /s you are going to get a humangous list with a lot of info that you don't need.