Originally posted by zmiley
and <b>that's</b> the crux of any rational debate on the subject.
it is absolutely about it being a woman's right to choose. when men start having babies, men can have an equal say in it.
<b>However</b>, biological fathers should have equal legal rights to make such a decision, or be absolved of <b>any</b> financial or social responsibility in the absence of such rights if the birth is carried to term and he doesn't want it, and given complete responsibility if it's carried to term and the mother doesn't want to do so.
but the father's decision shouldnt carry as much weight as the mother's.
it's the woman that's gonna carry the baby around for 9 months and give birth to it.
if she doesnt want to go thru the process, it's her her body, her choice.
anyway, i'm REALLY surprised that i havent seen a pro-life person here! (maybe that's good!)