NCB, a nation that takes 2-4% of it's unemployed and puts them in the armed forces and jail tends to have a lower unemployment rate. =)
You do realize that, unlike every other western nation, the USA actually has military and jail populations large enough to significantly swing it's employement/unemployment rates?
Canada could drive the unemployed into crime with well-designed social programs and engeneering, and lower our unemployment rate! That sounds like a solution!
Then, we could make a military full of uneducated unemployable people, and send them off to be shot! Not only would those people be removed from the unemployment lines, this would allow us to funnel money into large government contracts, from which our politicians could get jobs and/or campaign contributions, and produce tonnes of goods that are destroyed! It's a perfect Keynsian solution, dig holes and bury the poor in them. . .
( WARNING: hyperbole levels reaching critical! ;-) )
Ayep, Germany and France's economies need some work. Of course, unlike the USA, they don't have a 5%+ annual current account deficit with no end in sight. They are, last I checked, actually running surplusses.
Last edited by JHVH : 10-29-4004 BC at 09:00 PM. Reason: Time for a rest.