Originally Posted by maleficent
There are assholes everywhere, but to not even leave a tip... Jaysus Christus... I can't even imagine the mindset of that... Even when I go, occassionally, to my local watering hole, and the bartender will give me free drinks, I wouldn't dream of NOT tipping on the value of those drinks. I may not pay for the booze,but I'm still paying for the service.
Recorded as Reason #4562 why I hate people.
Amen, Mal. I once worked at a local pizza joint. A group of people still in high school (this was my fresh year in college) that I knew from school came in for lunch (there was 15-20), were rowdy and messy and left no tip. So when I got off work, I knew where they were so I showed up and demanded money. I collected from everyone and went back and gave it to the waitress. Boy was I ticked.