Originally Posted by maleficent
There are assholes everywhere, but to not even leave a tip... Jaysus Christus... I can't even imagine the mindset of that... Even when I go, occassionally, to my local watering hole, and the bartender will give me free drinks, I wouldn't dream of NOT tipping on the value of those drinks. I may not pay for the booze,but I'm still paying for the service.
Recorded as Reason #4562 why I hate people.
As some people around here know, I used to work at a brewpub, and we would often get free beers from other servers. The rule was to tip at least a dollar to the server who gave you the freebie--they got you the pint, so you damn well better pay for it somehow.
I can't imagine not tipping, or being ungenerous. It completely goes against my nature. The other day my friend and I went out to eat at this popular chowder spot on the coast here. The waitress was excellent--service was prompt, friendly, and she refilled our drinks without us having to ask. I tipped her three dollars for a $10 meal. She deserved it.
The hard thing about this whole concept, though, is value. That kind of meal/experience is probably worth a lot more in New York than it is in Portland. ..so coming from out of town I'd have no idea what to pay or what was reasonable. I would attempt to err on the side of generosity, but what if your guesstimate was wrong? I'd feel so guilty.