you want to continue the discussion by counter example...and they will disprove a rule, but they won't disprove a trend.
there's about 5 neighborhoods that supply most of the future residents of sing sing prison in new york. 5. It's not about people making rational choices about wealth aquisition. IMO, it's about the systemic problems that leave people out in the cold. yes, there are sucess stories from those places. But when the current is that strong, only a few get out alive. Personally, i think that's wrong. It's also wasteful-taxes pay tens of thousands of dollars a year to incarerate when a fraction of the money could have paid for educational opportunities...
your posting seems to state that the system, on balance, is fair. i don't buy that.
For God so loved creation, that God sent God's only Son that whosoever believed should not perish, but have everlasting life.
-John 3:16