Originally Posted by minyn
i think they are great. the money goes where it should go, to research and no where else.
however, has anybody seen the irony in people who live horribly healthy lifestyles who still wear them? it just seems like an oxymoron to see someone chain smoking with one on. but thats just me, and i guess i get a giggle out of it so its alright.
eh... the money's going to the right place. They've gotten to be "fashionable" but as long as the foundation gets their money, I'm cool with wearing mine for the "right" reasons.
Originally Posted by tres
I have a problem with these yellow bands.. Initally the idea was great. When you get them directly from the charity. However. 7-11, the car wash, and other places started mass producting these bands on their own, charging more money, and the money doesent go to charity. Then they came out with "support our troops" and many others.. But The money doesent go where it should. So..while the show of support is great..the money you are spending isnt going to research unless you get it directly from the source..
No reason to have a problem with the Livestrong ones, it's the rip-off ones that tend to tick me off.
For instance, I took my sister to Adventure Landing (a Putt-Puttesque place for those that don't know) a while back to hang out with her since I don't see her as much as I'd like. After 3-4 hours there, I pull all my tickets out of my pockets and give 'em to my sister so she can get some prizes for herrself. As she's telling the guy that no, she wants the
red stuffed dog, I look around the case to see what all's in there. There's a row of bands there for about 10 tickets a piece, packaged like Livestrong bands, yellow like Livestrong bands, have words cut into them like Livestrong bands... so I figure they're Livestrong bands. I bend down to get a closer look at them 'cause my friend saw mine and asked if I could get her one. They're turned every different direction in this bin, so it's hard to see them clearly. Finally I see one with the words pointed towards the window. Those words: Cut Carbs.
I don't think Lance Armstrong started making those bands for the late Mr. Atkins.