Well, I wouldn't wish my motivation on anyone, but here's mine. Last September, I lost a friend I've known since high school to breast cancer. When she went into the hospital the last time, I felt horrible. Partly because I knew she was losing the battle, but also because I had been squandering my youth and my health by not taking care of myself. So last August I started eating better. In September, I added a step class once a week with another friend from high school It was a small commitment to make, and it was as much a commitment to maintaining and celebrating a longtime friendship as it was to exercise, but we both felt like we owed it to Nancy to make the effort to be healthier. I've since started walking on the weekends and working out with weights, and I've taken up belly dancing. I've lost 42 pounds so far and still going...and loving every minute of it.
Secondary motivation...a line I stole from the movie, American Beauty "I want to look good naked"