Here's my list of motivatiions. it is in cronological order becuase as i grow, my singlemotivation changes. i generally only have one at any one particular time, no idea why.
1. 7th -9th grade - my friends. i had a lotof overweight friends and the couple who wanted to do somethign i agreed to go work out with them, and it worked well for myself and decently. cheering on a friend is less self centered and keeps you going simply becuase you dont want to to give up on them. make sense?
2. 10-12th grade - sports and that little voice that kept saying "you do this now and youll be able to look good forever" a bit naive but it worked then.
3. THroughout college ive had a few. Avoiding the freshmen 15 (which a lot of my friends earned), a challange from other friends and sometimes myself.
4 Bolder Boulder - I will run it one of these years. but that'll take a lot of training cuz 6 miles is no morning jaunt.
5. Boys - yea, its been stupid but its worked for me a few times. only side affect is it is short lived.
my current one? I dont want my summer to end up like last years, one that included three jobs for 16 hours a day and living off popcorn and soda at the movie theatre i worked at. it was dangerously depressing and i need to avoid that from ever happening again.
basically it has to be one that you find works. and if anythign, play the "youll hate getting there but love the feeling afterward" game cuz thats my prob. i hate getting ready and the first half hour, but afterwards i feel dangerously indestructable!
"Woke up this morning with a blue moon in my eye"
~A3 "woke up this morning"
"Don't compromise yourself, you're all you've got." -Janis Joplin