Women like to be taken out to "different" places, even if it's just your favorite spot on the beach or to some nice restaurant that you've done research on. Gilda is right in saying that there are a lot of "cheap" things to do where you can still impress the girl. Definitely ask her what she likes to do, but it's really sexy when a guy can just make the plans without having to ask the girl, in my opinion.
So, my list of suggestions would be:
1) research a restaurant in your area that you think is nice or take her to one of your favorite places
2) if she's into dessert, (most wimmin are) you can try to look for a cute cafe where you both can get to know each other
3) museums - i think guys who are into museums are sexy
4) cafes that feature small music groups - i don't know where you are, but I know in most cities, you can find little nooks where there's a live band playing just some soft jazz music so that you can talk but not have that awkward silence
5) you can go visit another city - like, I'm in NYC and it'd be really cool if someone took me to Atlantic City or Philly, etc.
Those are the only things I can quickly think of from the top of my head. Good luck and let us know how it goes!