I do EMS for a living. Here is what I get...xwesleyx is 100% correct. DO NOT... I repeat DO NOT put ANYTHING in their mouth.. it is impossible to swallow your tounge.. Just take anything around them that might hurt them.. DO NOT put a pillow under their head... and DO NOT hold them down. The biggest problem with Seizures is AIRWAY COMPRIMISE. When a person seizes, they often are not breathing. It would be helpful to us if you time the length of each seizure and the time inbetween each seizure. The person may stop seizing then have another... In the period where they arent seizing, is where you want to position them on their sides, talk to them make sure they know where they are, and what happened. Many people who often have seizures know what the start of a seizure feels like. Some even know to move to the floor. When EMS arrives, tell them exactly what time the seizure started, how long each one lasted and the time inbetween, and weather or not they were concious in between each seizure. If they stop seizing and are unconcious, you default to the CPR protocol (Check airway, breathing and circulation) and as long as they are breathing, then great...put the on their sides, and if they start seizing again, don't let them fall prone (face down) try to position them on their back.. Thats it.. any other EMS questions feel free to ask..
I recommend a basic CPR class for EVERYONE! you never know when someone in your family/friend circle will need your help. The key to helping someone is EARLY INTERVENTION! Even if you don't do it 100% correctly, it increases their chances for survival. (Just a side fact) in a heart attack, if you don't get CPR and a Defibulator on the patient within 10 min, The chances of getting that person back are slim at best! I dunno about you, but depending on where you live, ambulances don't always come that quick!