you should have an 1800 number on your insurance/dental card.. they will be able to give you a list of drs and dentists that not only accept your insurance but that are in your area. You might also be able to get pricing information through them since they do business with them and see the charges and statements. Blue Cross Blue Shield of FL has a website that lists the doctors in my area that take my insurance. I have a $10 co-pay no matter what so while I could inquire about the cost it would be useless. I get my statement and it tells me that I paid damn near $1000 for some bloodwork. Ive never had a problem getting pricing information from receptionists. They usually tell me theres $$$ for the consult/check up fee and you can go from there. At the consult they can tell you whats wrong and especially dental they can give you a written estimate for the work they will need to perform and you can accept or decline it. If you dont like the consult.. no harm no foul and they'll have to send their results to the next doctor/dentist and you might be able to avoid consult fees again.