Originally Posted by cyrnel
Uh, it's hidden. Remember playing with any boot/partition managers?
I'd suggest knoppix or ultimatebootcd (both have loads of tools) but <a href="http://mbrwizard.tripod.com/">MBRWiz</a> is smaller.
1) <a href="http://mbrwizard.tripod.com/MBRWiz.zip">Download MBRWizard</a>
2) Extract somewhere
3) run cmd, and cd to the folder from step 2.
4) still in cmd, "mbrwiz /list"
5) still in cmd, "mbrwiz /unhide=(partition number from last step)
Life is not good right now. MBRWiz /list did not show the hidden drive.
After a great deal of time, I created the ultimatebootcd for windows. It boots, and appears to be working, but its first message says,
'startnet.cmd' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program, or batch file.
x: \i386\system32 >
So then I decided to connect it internally, instead of via USB. MBRWiz then found it, like this:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0RgDrAnQVPP1GTqdBDa4QjGtoOHRQwwJ6eRa8mXZ7etigPUUQ7!B3d9JG5I1lJ2Z7xXau7zfezIFuOdtTRKImSQTDPTGsi5UFuThKJ5eFbac/mbr.JPG?dc=4675513750339783191></img>
Unhide didn't seem to do anything, maybe because MBRWiz doesn't think it's hidden. And the drive still doesn't show up anywhere, although it looks like it always did in disk management.
I was able to access the disk using the Windows recovery console. I also found on the web that Goback installs into the MBR, and that's the problem. Since my circumstances were unusual (fried motherboard) I'm unable to uninstall it.
There IS a command called "fixMBR" but I was somewhat afraid of it, since I have no experience using it.
Oddly enough, diskpart now looks like this:
<img src=http://groups.msn.com/_Secure/0TADrAscXkKd5QSQMwEpXqSa5A5VydNFoNlTV0WEJ!63TMyP2a!jhfqcADUh9qxfGBMcY45bm6J0u3MvqNDt3Sj89Rv*5hBFVu6mSFlBPJqjCnzJ6isQKlQ/diskpart2.JPG?dc=4675513755228410411></img>
When you get sick of this (if you're not already), let me know.
I could e-mail the guy who wrote MBRWiz and let you off the hook if you want.