Thanks for the help guys this is looking like a viable alternative after all.
And as far as not cheap skating on the processor and mobo. Well I'd agree with you if it were not for my own real life experiences on well thought out and investigated "valueware".
My first PC I built had like a 750 MHZ K6(I think) processor a bargin VIA chipset mobo,bargin memory and a decent sized hard drive and hell even a bargin video card(GeForce 2 but the crappy not fast ones MX I think it was). The most expensive things I bought were a couple of CD-burners. The expensive CD-burners went out on me first but the bargin basement stuff was still working strong until late last year when they failed. And it was because I reboxed it for an older lady who smoked and her smoking screwed that PC up something horrible. The second iteration of my PC was another bargin basement FIC mobo(got to love FRYs) an average processor at the time, the same HD from a few years ago, some cheapy memory, and I bought a nice new GeForce 4 4200Ti card right when they came out. The GeForce card blew up on me within the year. So everything expensive and top of the line goes out on me. I'm not sure what it is and if I'm cursed or something but I don't have the money to throw around on a top of the line mobo and an Athlon 64 3100+ processor only to have it crap out on me in a year and leave me in the lurch. At least this way if I spend like 200 bucks upgrading the entire computer if something bad happens I can at least replace it without going broke in the first place. And if it holds up like all my other bargin stuff has I'll be able to replace it on my own terms and likely build an entirely new box out of the bargin stuff that would still be a fairly good performer.