Matrix screen saver
I know, "Why the hell is he posting about that?"
Well, I happen to enjoy the renditions of the matrix "code" screen savers that float around the internet. That said, There is one thing I'd like to see if anyone has ever come accross.
A matrix code SS that as the code falls, forms qoutes pulled from a text file every once in a while, then keeps going.
Several SS's while display text from a text file at the top of the screen while the code falls below, but I have yet to find one that forms that text file qoutes out of the actual falling code.
Anybody seen anything like this ever?
I wanted it to form great qoutes like:
"I think there is a world market for maybe five computers."
Thomas Watson, chairman of IBM, 1943
Seen on an employer evaluation:
"The wheel is turning but the hamsters dead"
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