Originally Posted by hossified
...so the gf used to be big into figure skating and tumbling, and has developed large upper (thigh) legs......but now she wants to lose some size in them, because she can't find pants that fit her well (ie: waist too small, legs too big).......now with my knowledge, I've told her to run (to lose fat around them).....and do high reps with low weight to tone them up a bit. Any other tricks out there???
Gosh, that sounds like me. I was a figure skater up until the end of last winter. I've always had the same problem finding a pair of pants that fit well, its a curse I swear. As soon as I was finished with skating, I decided to switch to the gym. Now, when I go to the gym, I run for about 45-50 minutes, then will work on my arms and stomach, hardly ever my legs. My leg muscles are still pretty bulky, but I have noticed a slight change, not by much though. I dunno, I'm fine with my leg muscles for the most part, even if its a pain trying to find pants that fit well.