I fall under the "Bankruptcy for medical reasons" category, so I can defenitely emphathize with that one.
When my daughter was born she was so sick that, in order to save her life, the doctors needed to use "experimental treatment". The "experimental treatment" cost upwards of $30,000+ a day and insurance wouldn't cover it.
I authorized the treatment, knowing the risk, but my daughter's life was much more important to me. At the time I authorized the treatment (the treatment lasted 21 days) I wasn't sure if insurance was going to cover it or not--ultimately, they didn't. However, I only had a matter of minutes to make the decision, so I wasn't going to spend any time worrying if insurance was going to pay for it or not.
The sad part was that I made decent money and I had insurance--if I had been poor, I wouldn't have had to pay a dime for any of it. That's kinda why I don't buy all of these sob stories about "poor people" because, in many cases, they get a heck of a lot more benefits than I do....and we the taxpayers pay for it, not them.
Anyway, I am getting off track.
Hopefully this won't pass (do we know a status?) and maybe someone can re-work a new proposal that is a little more fair--because I really do think bankruptcy laws need to be changed, just not in this way.
Before you criticize someone, you need to walk a mile in their shoes. That way, if they get angry at you.......you're a mile away.......and they're barefoot.