Am I immortal, or am I simply capable of living forever, assuming that I am never murdered, killed accidentally, or the victim of some deadly illness?
"On a large enough time line, the survival rate for everyone will drop to zero." - Fight Club
If I'm not immortal, but simply capable of living forever, then I'll die eventually anyway. So sure, why not? Sign me up for the longevity shot!
Also, anyone else here ever read Robert A. Heinlein's Time Enough for Love? Lazarus Long lives for 2000+ years and starts to get really bored. So bored in fact that he has himself cloned and the zygote made into a female, and at that twins. He gets to raise female twin versions of himself... damn, how bored can you get in 2000 years? Not that I don't think the idea of raising a female version of myself would be interesting, but seriously, how much can you do in 2000 years? How fast would you get bored? I'd give it a shot though.
The most important thing in this world is love.