I don't think it has anything to do with allergies or past sexual traumas or anything like that. It's an individual thing. Men, have you tasted your own cum? Actually, not just tasted it, but squirted a few tablespoons of it down your throat? The fact that most women don't like the taste of cum is an empirical fact: most cum tastes like shit. Or cum, rather. If cum tasted okay, most women would be downing it in gulps, begging for more. Some of them do... they're lucky. But for me, there's only been one time when cum tasted decent (almost sweet), and I didn't mind swallowing it then. Otherwise I would rather spit it out or have it go somewhere else (which I don't mind at all, because I love making my bf cum, esp. from oral sex). Believe me, I would LOVE to love my bf's cum... but I just can't acquire the taste, as much as I try.
And think not you can direct the course of Love;
for Love, if it finds you worthy, directs your course.
--Khalil Gibran