Originally Posted by userasdf1234
I'm reluctant to mess with the registry myself too. Sounds pretty cool though. I'm just wondering, is this something you figured out yourself? If you did thats some good work!
Yup, figured it out on my own. I sent an email to google support asking them what I need to add to the registry to add buttons and they told me that they can't tell me that. So I installed the Deskbar and used it to create a custom button. Then searched the registry for the button name. Voila! There it was. So I uninstalled Deskbar and added the registry value myself. It worked.

Maybe I should send an e-mail to Google support telling them how to add custom buttons.
BTW, if you are affraid of editing your registry, don't be (at least for this project). The key that you will be editing does not have to do anything with Windows. And since you will be <b>adding</b> and <b>not deleting</b> keys you should definitelly not be worried.