I don't use them because the damn things don't work well.
If you're scanning something that's too light, it doesn't detect it when you put it in the bag and then sits there yelling at you for 10 minutes.
If you go too fast for it - put it in the bag after scanning but before it tells you to, it doesn't detect it and then sits there yelling at you for 10 minutes.
If something doesn't ring up for some reason, you're screwed. Unlinke a real cashier, you can't call for a price check.
They're an interesting idea that was implemented half-assed. If a technology is nothing but kludge, I don't use it.
Plus, I'm paying the same amount whether I use self checkout or I use a regular checkout. In other words, I'm still paying for the cashier to do all the work, including bagging my stuff up, yet *I* am now doing all the work. That strikes me as pretty stupid. If they factored in a "cashierless discount" then maybe I could see the point.
Last edited by shakran; 03-11-2005 at 05:45 AM..