If you are just beginning, this program might be good for you, as it hits all the big groups. As long as the program incorporates progressive overload, adding weights over time, then it will give some strength and size. Of course you have to eat a balanced diet... You will probably have to change it later, as you get stronger, but that's only after you have been at it for a while.
The most important thing is to get to the gym and try. Well that, and it would be a good idea to get some coaching on proper form. I had a weight lifting class in college and it taught me a lot, and is probably why I have only rarely hurt myself in the gym. It also doesn't hurt to try and talk to some people who have actually been at it a while also. Don't be scared of the big guys, they are usually alright people.
bill hicks - "I don't mean to sound bitter, cold, or cruel, but I am, so that's how it comes out."