Originally Posted by kutulu
The media may influence to some extent, Art, but there is a lot more to what a person is than what they get from the media. If I was the sum total of the media I'm exposed to I'd be a satanic cannibal that starts kills everyone around me (except, of course when I'm engaging with group sex with every breathing female). Somehow, I've managed to avoid all of that.
You're taking the media you ingest a little bit literally there, aren't you? Then I look at the first part of your post, namely (emphasis mine)...
Originally Posted by kutulu
I'm so sick of this Thompson asshole. He needs to have his bar certification taken away for bringing this bullshit into the courts. He's filed several of these lawsuits against game manufacturers and has yet to have won a single one of them.
This douchebag is the guy who got 2 Live Crew's album to be declared obscene. He also teamed up with fellow asshole Charlton Heston to have "Cop Killer" removed from Body Count's album. The man has no problem trying to trample all over our 1st Amendment rights and has no concept of personal responsibility. Everything is someone elses fault. It's total bullshit.
...plus the post you make a couple above this one, and I start to wonder what the affect of the media you're exposed to might truly be...
Not that I agree with the lawsuit, in any sense. I think we owe it to society to be held personally responsible for our actions, it's part of the 'social contract' you have a citizen of a particular country. Whether this kid was 'trained' with a 'murder simulator' is irrelevant, the reasons he committed this crime were his own, and he alone bears the responsibility of restitution.
Even a cursory reading of this news story says to me that he was failed by those around him long, long before he ever got a PS2, and telling, is it not, that the fact he was from a broken home, and bounced around foster families is buried midway in the copy? Personally, I think we have a duty to censor such hysterical and unbalanced 'news' reporting before we start blackening the name of simple entertainment.
Art, I wonder how you apply the judgment of what is 'antisocial' media and what is not?