My cell, paid for by my company (thankfully) was AT&T, and is now Cingular. I didn't realize that the service had changed until I actually turned off the phone and turned it back on and it came up with the Cingular logo.
I got an email from someone in Finance last week, wanting to know what had changed with who I was talking to. My bill for the month was over 3500 dollars. (Luckily the ocmpany pays it) Due to a few customer crisis I went over my usual 2000 minute plan, by quite a bit. That overage sent my phone bill up by thousands of dollars.
I know I've gone over before, AT&T never charged for overages the way that Cingular seems to.. Or atleast I was aware that I was getting close on my minutes and I could switch to landlines.
Hopefully we'll be changing our providers soon...
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